Friday, August 27, 2010


Ever tried making a domino train? It is hard, frustrating, but FUN! It took us about 45 min to get it right! Mommy doesn't have a very steady hand!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Golfing Field Trip

We live near a golf course, so I took the kids there today for a little was a lovely day for a bucket of balls!
Nice swing buddy!
The Pro teachiing his lefty sister
Charlie had fun playing with ma ma's purse


Preschool is so expensive for twins...and since we are on a meager law school budget, I have decided what better teacher can my kids have than ME! Hello! That is what I went to school for...I have my degree in Elementary Education...I taught first grade for two years...a classroom of TWO is every teachers dream! I am loving it...teaching your own children is challenging, but so rewarding! The kids call me Mrs. S during our "pre-school time" which is when Charlie has his morning nap.  Right now we are working on letter recognition and formation with shaving cream!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School!

Today was Josh's first day of  law school! We HAD to take his picture! He ironed his clothes so neatly and set them out lastnight...I think he was a bit excited! Doesn't he look handsome and smart!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


Josh had an orientation meeting at the law building tonight, so we dropped him off.  On our way home, Logan spied the football team out on the practice field.  We stopped and watched for a while...Logan loved it!
He just stood there in awe...

Logan had to take a picture of his knuckle...
"This is what the football players do mom"
Gracie loved climbing on the railing,
 and the cheerleaders were practicing so she loved that!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our New Home

Home: Noun
1. a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.

2. the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.

3. any place of residence or refuge: a heavenly home 
  We are now in the "appartment" version of a home, and I am working on having "affection" toward a family we certainly find a bit of "heaven" here each day. 
After helping us get settled, my father-in-law offered to give Josh and I each a priesthood blessing. I am so grateful for the Lords help as we face this endevor of law school. I have faith in the blessings of the priesthood, and I know that as we strive to do what is right the Lord will bless us.
We have lived in three homes over the course of our almost 9 year each home, by the power of the priesthood, Josh has offered a prayer of dedication.  He prays that our home will be safe and protected from the elements of nature, and  that we will be safe and proctected spiritually...that we will speak kindly and treat eachother with love and respect...that our home will be a place where we can feel close to the spirit of our Heavenly Father.  I am so grateful for these simple prayers of dedication...they give me such feelings of peace and security, and much to work toward!

Friday, August 13, 2010


So, how my mother has made it through her whole long life without a dishwasher...I do not know!  Keeping up on these dishes has been a bit difficult...I mean, we are a family of 5, and we eat three times a day!
Good thing I have some helpers! They love it! We'll see how long it lasts...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Opposition in all things

Five adults, three kids, two cars, and a moving truck...on the side of the the middle of NOWHERE!
We woke up early sunday morning to continue our journey north.  After gassing up, and grabbing a few snacks we were on the road again...another six hour day of driving!  John and Joy led the way in the U-haul, mom, the kids and I drove in the mini-van, and Josh was the cabuse in the civic (listening to law school prep cd's...boring.) After driving about two hours, we got a phone call from Josh...the civic was acting up...revving like crazy to make it up the hills, something was wrong.  So, in the middle of NOWHERE...we pulled over and made some calls, the closest town was like a fifteen min drive was Sunday, nothing was open, do they even have tow trucks and repair shops in the middle of nowhere?  It was like a flashback to when the Porsche broke down in Twin Falls when Josh and I came up to house hunt....can we ever drive to Moscow without a car breaking down!  Discourraged... yes, hopeful... yes, silent prayers answered...yes! The tow driver wouldn't be able to come for quite a while, so we decided to drive to the nearest town and abandon the civic. On our way there, in the middle of NOWHERE...what did we see? a Uhaul rental company in a field next to someones house...they had a car dolly to pull the Civic behind the Uhaul...just what we needed!  A BLESSING...PRAYERS ANSWERED! After a quick lunch at this tiny, greasy, diner, we continued for four more hours to Moscow.  As we continued driving I felt so much love and gratitude towards my Heavenly Father for his love and help to continue our journey...similarly I felt great love and gratitude towards our parents for their continued help and support.
Last time we traveled to Moscow in style!
On the road again!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pit Stop

The first six hours of our drive to Moscow weren't too bad...the kids watched movies, colored, ate snacks, and napped. To break the driving up a bit, we stopped in Boise and stayed overnight.  We met up with family and had a pizza picnic at a local park...the kids loved it! A nice relaxing evening after a long day of driving! 
Charlie loved playing in the little water fountains!
Monkey Boy!
Silly Girl!
Rubba-dub-dub three kids in the hotel tub!

I love this photo of charile kissing grandmas chin! Mooa!

Moving Day

The day has finally we go to law school! After a good year and a half of preparations (lsat, applications, etc.) we are ready to start this adventure! We are so blessed to have amazing family, friends, and neighbors, so our goodbyes were filled with lots of hugs and tears.  Walking through our charming little empty house for the last time was difficult as well...memories from each room flooded my mind...I still tear up when I think of that moment. So with the U-haul filled to the brim. the mini-van stocked with movies, coloring books, and snacks we began the first leg of our 11 hour drive to Moscow.