Sunday, February 26, 2012

"I love you mom"

I have been feeling lately that I need to spend more quality time with Logan and Gracie.  It seems that they are growing so quickly and our lives are so fast and busy and filled with chores and errands and school and homework and ballet and karate and church callings and friends...I just feel like I never get time to play with them. So in an effort to improve at put first things first, we did a little art work today.  We turned on some "Kids Bop" music on Pandora, shaved crayons, smashed them between wax paper and ironed beautiful works of art. We sang together and danced around together.  They weren't even imbarrassed by my singing...They even let me dance a bit with out telling me to stop. Gracie even sang out loud in front of me without being shy...that never happens.  We had such fun.  I will ever remember the feelings of joy that I had as I spent time with my kiddos today.  When we were ready to clean up, Logan climbed up on my lap, wrapped his arms around me and layed his head on my shoulder and said, "I love you mom."

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